SOLD - Early Colt 1903 Hammerless - First Variation

Type: M1903
Maker: Colt
Caliber: .32
Condition: 92-93%
Bore: 8/10
Year: 1904
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was $2,450.00 Special Price $2,150.00
Availability: Out of stock
11145 - 07672

6/4/18 - This is a very nice example of an early first variation Colt 1903, made around 1904, with barrel bushing and "scalloped" black rubber grips. In the first couple of years of production, Colt 1903 hammerless pistols still had the barrel bushing which was later eliminated for cost reasons. This gun retains around 92-93% of it's original high gloss blue with high edge thinning throught the slide and muzzle, as well as some finish loss on the back strap. Fireblued small parts, that retain almost all of its vivid colors. The early high gloss finish was not very durable and excellent original examples are almost impossible to find as Colt switched to their regular "wood" blue finish for the remainder of the production.  Excellent  bore and beautiful original early grips with no defects. A scarce early variation of one of Colt's most popular semi-autos.

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Sold No
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C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 92-93%
Bore 8/10
Maker Colt
Year 1904
Type M1903
Caliber .32