SOLD - Commercial DWM Luger

Type: P.08
Maker: DWM
Caliber: .30
Condition: 95+%
Bore: 9.5/10
Year: 1920s
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Availability: Out of stock
5483r - 09826
6/17/19 - This is a very nice example of an original DWM Luger that was produced in the 1920s for the commercial market. It is chambered for .30 caliber and has the GERMANY export stamp on the left side rail. The pistol is near-mint aside from the sideplate and the backstrap. Most of the finish loss is on the sideplate and the strap shows a couple areas of patina/oxidation. Small parts retain about 50-60% original straw. Period original but unmarked grips and magazine. Minty bore, so this one would make a good shooter.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 95+%
Bore 9.5/10
Maker DWM
Year 1920s
Type P.08
Caliber .30