SOLD - 1944 MP40 Magazines

Type: Magazines
Maker: KUR
Caliber: 9mm
Condition: Good
Bore: N/A
Year: 1944
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Availability: Out of stock
5/20/20 - This is a set of 4 original WW2 MP40 magazines, made in 1944. They are waffenamt and "Kur" makers marked. They are generally in good condition. They have generally retained most of their original bluing except for sporadic wear on the tubes, especially the high edges. There is freckling here and there throughout. One of the magazines has light rust at the bottom, and a different mag has the same light rust toward the top - should remove easily. There is a crude "KD" marking on one of the mags (see photo). The springs are functional and strong on all. A few dings/handling marks here and there.
More Information
Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Good
Bore N/A
Maker KUR
Year 1944
Type Magazines
Caliber 9mm