SOLD - Scarce Nazi MP 40 - Semi-Auto

Type: MP 40
Maker: KGE / Erma
Caliber: 9mm
Condition: Good
Bore: 9.5/10
Year: 1941
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Availability: Out of stock
369c - 10569
10/25/19 - This is a 1941 produced MP 40 that was produced by Erma for the German military. It is modified with a 'faux' silencer, and design is based off the few existing photos of wartime, silenced MP 40s. It is a non matching numberkit, although the top end matches itself, and rear section and folding stock section matches itself as well. It is a hammer fired AR-15 fire control group closed bolt design. The fire control group,bolt, receiver, trunnion, and exterior plastic tub are US made. The receiver is a hell-box armory,made from machined 4130 steel. The bolt is a modified Indianapolis Ordnance semi auto bolt. This item has a 7.5 inch fake suppressor from U.S. Machine gun permanently welded in 6 placesand blind pinned to bring the barrel length to 16 inches, making this a non SBR, legal for sale without further permit. The collapsible stock functions as originally designed. The barrel assembly is non removable, welded, to comply with SBR regulations. The Bakelite tub around the fire control group is all original, as are all visible screws and pins on the exterior of the Mp40 .The sights and sight spring is also war time production. Bolt handle and safety slide are also wartime. The rest for the barrel and hand guards are original Bakelite. Many original waffenamts, serial numbers and several very visible eagle stamps. Bluing on the stock section is somewhat degraded, probably 65-75%, but still strong on tub, barrel nut, barrel and front sight post more in the area of 80 to 85%. Full spec sheet, manual and more details can be provided upon request.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Good
Bore 9.5/10
Maker KGE / Erma
Year 1941
Type MP 40
Caliber 9mm