SOLD - Rare, Custom Parker Shotgun

Type: Shotgun
Maker: Parker
Caliber: 12ga
Condition: ~90%
Bore: 9/10
Year: 1918
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Availability: Out of stock
180447 - 07639

5/22/18 - This is a rare Parker Shotgun with spare shorter barrel and period original case, that was custom made for Daniel W. Voorhees and bares his initials on the stock plate.  Daniel W. Voorhees was a national shooting champion and owned several parkers of varying grades and types.  This one features a 32in barrel and a 34 barrel, both numbered to the gun.  The bluing on both barrels is very nice with just standard thinning or area wear, with no rust or pitting.  You can see the field number (5) on one of the barrel assemblies.   The stock was made of the finest Circassian walnut and adorned with fine checkering, a checkered side panels with carved fleur-de-lis. It had a gold shield and gold pistol grip cap. Stocks were fitted with a skeleton butt plate as standard but recoil pads were an option. The barrels were of Extra Fine Damascus and later, when available, Titanic and Acme barrels were offered. The hammer gun barrel bolsters have the characteristic teardrop sculpture and some hammerless guns have a single bead around the barrel bolsters.  The grade 5 was strictly a custom ordered gun.  We are told this is considered a BHE grade gun.  Truthfully, we do not know much about Parkers so feel free to ask questions.  This one has a Pachmayr butt plate and we are told the top vent is a replacement, but it is of note that if any alterations were made, they were made by the renowned Del Grego & Sons as the consignor has several serialized receipts from Del Grego.  Bore is excellent on all four barrels.  Receiver is beautifully engraved and the stock is masterfully crafted.  

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Sold No
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
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Condition ~90%
Bore 9/10
Maker Parker
Year 1918
Type Shotgun
Caliber 12ga