10/25/19 - This is a fairly hard to find 1916 dated German Navy Luger that was issued during WW1. Over 100 years old and still in remarkable condition. The original finish covers about 97-98% of the gun. While there isn't much actual bluing loss, there is some notable browning under the finish, especially the barrel. All of the numbered parts are matching including the magazine. However, the magazine numbering seems too deep when compared to the Crown/M Navy stamp. Therefore, I would conclude that the magazine is an authentic, period correct Navy, but numbered to match more recently. The grips are correctly unnumbered but appear to match the condition of the gun. Mechanically the gun seems to work well, however, I would not shoot this piece due to the condition of the bore. Not sure what happened but there are "screw marks" inside the worn bore. Perhaps it was plugged at some point and then the plug removed? Can't say for sure but will try to get a photo. Overall, a very nice example, but one most fit for display and not for shooting. Priced to compensate for the bore.