SOLD - Nazi Unique Model 17

Type: 17
Maker: Unique
Caliber: 7.65mm
Condition: 80-90%
Bore: 8.5/10
Year: 1940s
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Availability: Out of stock
43005 - 08881
1/8/19 - - This is a Nazi marked French Unique 17, one of about 30,000. The Unique 17 was produced by Manufacture D'Armes Des Pyrenees for the German army after the June 1940 occupation of France. The pistol is all original with about 80-90% blue remaining. There isn't much bluing loss specifically, but there is a fairly deep patina on much of the gun. Very nice original grips, and a correct magazine. Excellent bore.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 80-90%
Bore 8.5/10
Maker Unique
Year 1940s
Type 17
Caliber 7.65mm