SOLD - Nazi G.43 Rifle - duv 44

Type: G.43
Maker: Berlin Lubecker
Caliber: 8mm Mauser
Condition: 80-90%
Bore: 8.5/10
Year: 1944
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Availability: Out of stock
8706f - 11879
6/17/20 - This is a nice example of a scarce Nazi G.43 rifle as produced in 1944 at the Berlin Lubecker factory. All numbered parts are matching, but the handguard has been replaced and the stock was sanded so the serial is not completely legible. It does appear to show the middle two digits of the receiver (70) serial but blurs at the edges, which is common when these stocks are sanded. The metal parts show original blue that is fairly clean but has general thinning, and the wear is most pronounced around the muzzle and front sight band. Original magazine with 'gcb' maker mark. Original sling, too. Bore is very shiny with strong rifling but there is some freckling in the grooves.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 80-90%
Bore 8.5/10
Maker Berlin Lubecker
Year 1944
Type G.43
Caliber 8mm Mauser