SOLD - Excellent 1940 Mauser Luger Rig - Two Matching Magazines

Type: P.08
Maker: Mauser
Caliber: 9mm
Condition: ~95%
Bore: 8/10
Year: 1940
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Availability: Out of stock
8958c - 11243
3/3/20 - This is an all matching and complete Nazi Mauser Luger rig from 1940, including both of the original, matching magazines.  The original blue rates at about 95%, with all of the finish loss found on the high edges that would rub inside of a holster.  Muzzle, sideplate, right side rail, bottom of front strap. etc.  The grips are not numbered but fit like a glove and are Eagle over 655 proofed.  Bore is shiny with strong rifling, but does have minor frost in the grooves.  Original loading tool with E/63 proof.  The rig is completed by an immaculate 1940 dated holster, with sharp waffenamt and Carl Ackva maker mark.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition ~95%
Bore 8/10
Maker Mauser
Year 1940
Type P.08
Caliber 9mm