9/3/19 - This is an all matching Erfurt Luger from just before the start of the Great War. It was police issued, and features the police sear safety, grip cut for the magazine safety and police unit marking on the front strap (G.P.Q.2). The pistol is all matching, including the grips, but the takedown lever is a replaced that was numbered to match (likely at Police arsenal). Also we discovered the firing pin is 1 number off, numbered "45". The magazine is a WW2 era police magazine with Eagle/F proof and a very close serial to the frame. The pistol retains 94-95% original blue with the majority of finish loss on the barrel, side plate and muzzle. Straw parts retain about 75% original straw. Small parts properly feature Erfurt proofs, even down to the original grip screws. Bore is clean with good rifling and shows only minor frost.