SOLD - Swedish M96b Mauser - 1900 mfg

Type: M96b
Maker: Mauser
Caliber: 6.5x55
Condition: 95%
Bore: 9/10
Year: 1900
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Availability: Out of stock
36860 - 30368
04/02/2024 - For sale is an early Swedish m96b Mauser made by the Mauser factory in 1900. Early on in its production, Sweden had the Mauser factory produce these rifles while their arsenals began ramping up production. This rifle is clean and has a nice bluing on the metal finish but it is slightly worn. The bore is excellent and very bright with great rifling. The stock is in good shape with handling marks throughout. The rifle is not matching. The top of the receiver has been drilled for (what looks like) the Soderin style diopter sights used on target/FSR rifles. The rifle has been modified to the "b" designation with the barrel being threaded for the blank fire training device. It has an aftermarket flash hider installed.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 95%
Bore 9/10
Maker Mauser
Year 1900
Type M96b
Caliber 6.5x55