SOLD - WW2 Walther G43 - AC44 Rifle

Type: G43
Maker: Walther
Caliber: 8mm
Condition: Great
Bore: 6.8/10
Year: 1944
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Availability: Out of stock
1601h - 06140

8/31/17 - This is a late WW2 production Walther AC44 G43 rifle. The rifle is all original configuration, and in great condition overall considering that most late WW2 production guns had very rushed, rough finishes. The metal has rough machine marks, but no rust or pitting. The wood stock is original and unsanded, with two waffen proof stamps and a matching serial number on the underside of the rifle. The shoulder strap attached is rough as well with cracked surface leather, but completely in tact and original. The magazine is stamped "K43" and "gcb" with a waffen proof stamp. The bore has residue and corrosion, but the rifling is still in tact, and would probably clean out fairly nicely. The dust cover on the top of the receiver isn't shown in photos, but will be included upon sale. Guaranteed original and authentic. 

More Information
Sold No
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Great
Bore 6.8/10
Maker Walther
Year 1944
Type G43
Caliber 8mm