5/5/17- This could perhaps be considered a "sneak" Luger. Between the wars, during the Weimar period in Germany, and when the Nazi's first rose to power, they violated the treaty against them re-arming their military or police units. This was most likely a luger from WW1 which was reworked for the commercial market in 1920. Then it was again re-worked by the Nazi's for military or police use. It comes in 9mm, and has crown/N commercial proofs on the barrel, frame and receiver. One of the reasons I'm not sure about where this gun ended up after the last rework is because it has 2 police safety's added - the sear safety above the side plate, and the magazine safety at the top of the grip - left side. That piece missing on the grip is NOT a chip but rather the police style magazine safety. But I believe the unit marking on the front strap is military - Artillery Unit. S. Ar. II I 325. However, someone can correct me. Then on the right side of receiver is a Nazi re-work proof - WaA66- from around 1934. OK, then the serial number is something I have not seen before. The serial on the frame and receiver is M7. All other small parts and the barrel are just marked 7, including the hold open, rear toggle pin and the firing pin. We are not sure of the meaning of the M. The grips look original, but are not numbered. The finish appears to be original despite 2 re-works. All numbers are matching and the bore is excellent. The magazine is not matching but from a WW1 era luger. (#567)