SOLD - Transitional M1934 Beretta - No Serial

Type: M1934
Maker: Beretta
Caliber: 9mm Corto
Condition: 92-94%
Bore: 9/10
Year: 1944
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Availability: Out of stock
NSN - 08625
11/9/18 - This is a scarce and desirable M1934 Beretta, in 9mm short, made in 1944. The original finish is about 92-94%, with nearly all finish loss found on the straps. There is no serial and no proof marks - I have heard various explanations for this. Most common is that this gun came out of the factory during the chaos between the time the Italians were in charge and just as the Nazis were taking over. It could have been smuggled out by a factory worker and used as part of the resistance movement. It also could have been spirited from the factory at the end of the war. Either way, it is a rare find. Excellent bore and grips.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 92-94%
Bore 9/10
Maker Beretta
Year 1944
Type M1934
Caliber 9mm Corto