SOLD - Scarce 1900 Swiss Luger

Type: P.08
Maker: DWM
Caliber: .30
Condition: 95%
Bore: 8/10
Year: 1900s
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Availability: Out of stock
3784 - 07903

2/22/19  - This is an example of an early production 1900 Swiss Contract Luger of which an estimated 2,000 commercial and 3,000 military pistols were produced. These pistols were the real first contract by the Swiss government for the Luger pistol produced in a specific serial number range (2000-5000) with both the military and commercial sales being in this range. These pistols have the early features such as the dished toggles with toggle lock, the flat/recessed breech bolt, no stock lug, grip safety, flat main springs, and fast taper barrel that is 4 3/4" long. This pistol also has fixed blade and "V" notch sights, standard Swiss cross in sunburst on the chamber, and "DWM" scroll toggle marking. "Crown/B", "crown/U", "crown/G" proofs are present with the bore marking on the barrel underside. Full serial number on the front of the frame and barrel underside, with the partial serial number (84) on the takedown latch, side plate, and toggle link. Blue finish with straw colored small parts. Fitted with checkered walnut grips stamped with the partial serial number (84) on the backs. With correct style nickel plated unmarked magazine with wood base.  The finish rates at around 95% with minor scuff marks here and there, as well as some thinning on the straps.  Strong bore with no major flaws.  

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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 95%
Bore 8/10
Maker DWM
Year 1900s
Type P.08
Caliber .30