SOLD - Scarce Steyr Mannlicher Model 1905

Type: Model 1905
Maker: Steyr / Mannlicher
Caliber: 7.63 mannlicher
Condition: 98%
Bore: 9/10
Year: N/A
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Availability: Out of stock
5852 - 13557
12/3/20 - This is a terrific example of the rare Mannlicher Model 1905. The pistol is arsenal refinished by Argentina, as indicated by the "RA" stamp on the tang. The finish is dark throughout, and the straw parts are completely in the white. Further, the top sear bar is not fire blued, but dark blued instead. This is an old refinish, as indicated by the finish loss on the barrel and top of the pistol, along with a bit of spotty oxidation on the left side of the slide. Overall still in excellent condition. These very elaborately made handguns were made from many complicated machined parts and were very labor intensive to produce. They had an integral magazine and had to be fed from the top with stripper clips or individual rounds. Only about 5,000 were made in various configurations and were popular with the army officers who had to purchase their own guns. Excellent grips and bore.  All matching numbers. 
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Sold Yes
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C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 98%
Bore 9/10
Maker Steyr / Mannlicher
Type Model 1905
Caliber 7.63 mannlicher