SOLD - Mint Remington 1903-A3

Type: 03-A3
Maker: Remington
Caliber: .30/06
Condition: Mint
Bore: 8/10
Year: 1943
View Description
Availability: Out of stock
4194294 - 06341

10/17/17 - This is a WW2 production Remington model 1903-A3 rifle. The rifle is in mint condition with beautiful parkerized and blued metal parts, along with a nearly flawless stock. The stock is properly arsenal and inspector stamped with a military cartouche as well. Further down the left side of the stock is a "OG" inspector stamp from the Ogden arsenal. This stamp was used after WW2 when unused rifles were taken to the arsenal for inspection and re-issue. The parts are all original and authentic with no alterations from the original WW2 construction. Even the original cleaning kit is still in the stock! Overall a very minty piece. The bore has some minor residue/patina most likely from some test/range firing years ago, but wouldn't affect the functionality of this rifle.

This item is for sale on Consignment. Therefore it is ineligible for sales and promotions. If you would like to consign with the Legacy Collectibles team, or have any questions please call 610-981-6041 or Email:

More Information
Sold No
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Mint
Bore 8/10
Maker Remington
Year 1943
Type 03-A3
Caliber .30/06