RARE Walther PPK - Late RZM

Type: PPK
Maker: Walther
Caliber: 7.65mm
Condition: 93-94%
Bore: 9/10
Year: 1939-1940
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Availability: Out of stock
265699k - 08560
10/31/18 - This is a very rare RZM marked Walther PPK, as it has Eagle/N proofs on slide and frame and was manufactured in 1939. There were about 30,000 RZM PPKs produced, but only a few hundred were made after 1934-35, and those were proofed Crown/N. There is a small but known block of these pistols from 1939 and this one falls in the proper range. The slide features a 60 degree safety as a result, not 90. The finish is original and rates at 93-94% with muzzle wear on both sides of the slide, and some thinning of the front strap. Excellent grip with only minor dings but no cracks or chips. Finger extension does show some minor surface cracks. Excellent bore.
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Sold Yes
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Antique No
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Condition 93-94%
Bore 9/10
Maker Walther
Year 1939-1940
Type PPK
Caliber 7.65mm