SOLD - Rare Zero Series Walther P.38 - Second Variation

Type: P.38
Maker: Walther
Caliber: 9mm
Condition: Restored
Bore: 7/10
Year: 1940
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Availability: Out of stock
03069 - 13918
12/22/20 - This is a very rare Zero Series Walther P.38, second variation, made in 1940. There were only about 1400 of the 2nd variation made, from serial 02005 to 03478 and this one falls towards the back of that range. Unlike the first variation it has an external extractor, but LIKE the first variation it has a rectangular firing pin. This one has all matching numbers, including the grips. The magazine is Walther but from later in the war. The small parts are all waffen eagle proofed except for the hammer. The pistol is fully functional but the de-cocker is pretty stiff. Bore has strong rifling but some frost and freckling throughout. The bluing is all intact but was restored at some point and there is some pitting under the blue on the slide.
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Sold Yes
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Antique No
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Condition Restored
Bore 7/10
Maker Walther
Year 1940
Type P.38
Caliber 9mm