SOLD - Police Sauer 38h

Type: 38h
Maker: Sauer
Caliber: 7.65mm
Condition: ~90%
Bore: 9.5/10
Year: 1943-44
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Availability: Out of stock
481843 - 10780
12/11/19 - This is an honest example of a second variation police Sauer 38h from the Nazi era. There were about 30,000 produced with Eagle over C police proof on frame, and military finish. This example was a little tough to rate as there isn't much actual bluing loss, but there is noteworthy patina throughout, especially on the straps. Minty bore and excellent grips. Half-moon magazine.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition ~90%
Bore 9.5/10
Maker Sauer
Year 1943-44
Type 38h
Caliber 7.65mm