SOLD - Nazi Radom vis 35 - Early Three Lever

Type: vis 35
Maker: Radom
Caliber: 9mm
Condition: 96-97%
Bore: 8/10
Year: ~1941
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Availability: Out of stock
G8086 - 06202

9/14/17 - This is a Nazi Radom vis 35 from WW2, with 96-97% high-polish blue remaining.  It is semi-early with features including the three levers on frame and slide, as well as P.35 proof on the slide.  It is all original and correct with most of the finish loss found on the bottom of the back strap.  There is some surface freckling in multiple areas of the slide.  The grips are in very good condition with no cracks or chips.  Unmarked, period correct magazine.  WaA77 on frame and slide.  Excellent bore with no major issues.  

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Sold No
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C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 96-97%
Bore 8/10
Maker Radom
Year ~1941
Type vis 35
Caliber 9mm