SOLD - Nazi FN Browning Hi Power

Type: Hi Power
Maker: FN Browning
Caliber: 9mm
Condition: ~97%
Bore: 9/10
Year: ~1943
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Availability: Out of stock
58331a - 10468
10/15/19 - This is an all matching and original FN Browning Hi Power that was issued to the German Army in the 1940s. The bluing is excellent as there is minimal wear, mostly just a few dings and thin scratches on the slide. But, there are several areas of pitting, mostly on the slide, and mostly towards the muzzle. Terrific bore and grips. Unmarked, wartime magazine.
More Information
Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition ~97%
Bore 9/10
Maker FN Browning
Year ~1943
Type Hi Power
Caliber 9mm