SOLD - Nazi Army Dagger - WMW Waffen

Type: Dagger
Maker: WMW Waffen
Caliber: N/A
Condition: Great
Bore: N/A
Year: WW2
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Availability: Out of stock
9/23/19 - This is an original WW2 Nazi Army Dagger made by WMW (Max Weyersberg). The makers mark on the blade reads "WMW Waffen". This is a fairly scarce maker stamp for the Heer daggers, and similar blades have sold for $700+. The blade is in great condition with some minor discoloration, mostly around the tip. The handle is in great condition except for a few very minor dings near the ferrule. There are no cracks in the bakelite. There is some minor denting on the pommel. The scabbard is in great condition with no dents or dings.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Great
Bore N/A
Maker WMW Waffen
Year WW2
Type Dagger
Caliber N/A