SOLD - Minty Czech Duo - 1945

Type: Duo
Maker: F. Dusek
Caliber: 6.35mm
Condition: 99%
Bore: 10/10
Year: 1945
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Availability: Out of stock
115705 - 06471

10/27/17 - This is an excellent Czech Duo pistol, dated 1945 on the slide.  The original bluing rates at 99% with minor edge thinning.  Mint bore.


The name 'DUO' comes from the combination of Dusek and Opocno, which is the last name of the original manufacturer and the city he gunsmithed in.  Dusek’s first pistols bore the name Singer, and later Ydeal. However, by 1938, he was using the name DUO.  When Dusek refused to coöperate with the Nazis during World War II, they took over his factory and proceded to produce over 110,000 DUO pistols.  The DUO was also very popular with the Germans and was sold to the public at large through various sporting goods stores.  From the first, Dusek’s pistols were very well made. His production standards were higher than those of the Spanish manufacturers whose pistols he imported, and his pistols were more expensive as well.  The DUO is a single action pistol virtually identical to the original Browning-designed Colt .25 hammerless vest pocket model.  

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Sold No
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Antique No
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Condition 99%
Bore 10/10
Maker F. Dusek
Year 1945
Type Duo
Caliber 6.35mm