SOLD - LF&C 1917 Trench Knife - WW1

Type: Trench Knife
Maker: LF&C
Caliber: N/A
Condition: Excellent
Bore: N/A
Year: 1917
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Availability: Out of stock

3/19/18 - This is an excellent, all original WW1 trench fighting knife. The knife comes with the original leather scabbard, also in excellent condition. The scabbard is lightly stamped by "JEWELL" and dated 1918. There is light rust speckling throughout the metal ends of the scabbard. There is similar speckling on the hand guard as well, but the bluing is still visible and the rust doesn't appear deep. The wood handle is excellent and original. The blade is beautiful, with most of the bluing still in tact, the only wear is some light scabbard wear. Guaranteed original and authentic. 

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Sold No
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Excellent
Maker LF&C
Year 1917
Type Trench Knife