SOLD - Kriegsmarine Mauser Model 1934

Type: Model 1934
Maker: Mauser
Caliber: 7.65mm
Condition: ~75%
Bore: 9/10
Year: 1930's
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Availability: Out of stock
570816 - 13353
11/5/20 - This is a nice example of a Mauser Model 1934 issued to the Nazi Kriegsmarine in the 1930's. It has a Nazi Navy "Eagle M" on the right side of the frame and an "O" Navy Property Mark on the front strap. The gun comes with a period-correct, mismatched, "N" Property Marked magazine. The gun is all matching and has retained about 75% of its bluing. There is muzzle wear and significant areas of wear on both sides of the slide. There are also areas of wear on the underside of the trigger guard and on the front strap. It comes with a nice period-correct grip with a chip along the left side. The gun is fully functional. The bore is excellent - shiny with strong rifling.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition ~75%
Bore 9/10
Maker Mauser
Year 1930's
Type Model 1934
Caliber 7.65mm