SOLD - Excellent, Rare SA Walther PP Holster

Type: Holster
Maker: Akah
Caliber: N/A
Condition: Great
Bore: N/A
Year: WW2
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was $3,500.00 Special Price $3,095.00
Availability: Out of stock
10/14/20 - This is an excellent example of an SA-issued chocolate brown leather holster for a Walther PP. The SA marking is crisp and visible. The "Walther PP" ink stamp on the inside is still mostly visible, and it is Akah marked under the closure strap. The GI's name is carved into the belt loop, and there are numbers written in marker on the inside. There are some light surface scratches and scuffs here and there, otherwise minty.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Great
Bore N/A
Maker Akah
Year WW2
Type Holster
Caliber N/A