SOLD - Inland Paratrooper Carbine

Type: M1-A1
Maker: Inland
Caliber: .30
Condition: Excellent
Bore: 8/10
Year: 1943
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Availability: Out of stock
415133 - 10159
9/4/19 - This is a beautiful example of an early Inland M1-A1 paratrooper carbine. Proper six-digit serial that dates the rifle to early 1943 or so. Barrel is Inland marked and dated to June of 1943. The finish on the receiver is original and in excellent condition, but the barrel finish appears restored as there is some pinpricking under the finish. The stock appears original and in fantastic condition with a nice cherry color to it, but the markings may be spurious. We also believe the folding stock is not an original WW2 production, so it seems this rifle was either configured or partially restored after the war. Magazine is marked 'II'. Barrel band is marked 'UI'. Rear sight is 'S' marked. Bore is shiny with strong rifling, but does have a couple areas of freckling inside. Sling is postwar.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Excellent
Bore 8/10
Maker Inland
Year 1943
Type M1-A1
Caliber .30