SOLD - Excellent Commercial Walther PPK

Type: PPK
Maker: Walther
Caliber: 7.65mm
Condition: ~97%
Bore: 9/10
Year: 1935
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Availability: Out of stock
874870 - 12595
8/21/20 - This is an original Walther PPK made for the commercial market in about 1935. This particular gun is in excellent condition, retaining about 97% of its original bluing. There is minor high edge wear on the slide, near the muzzle and most noticeable on the right side. There are a few light surface marks on the left side of the slide. One small spot of wear on the underside of the trigger guard. It comes with a minty brown grip and a minty period-correct finger extension magazine. The bore is excellent - shiny with strong rifling.
More Information
Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition ~97%
Bore 9/10
Maker Walther
Year 1935
Type PPK
Caliber 7.65mm