SOLD - Excellent Winchester Model 94 - 1950 Mfg

Type: Model 94
Maker: Winchester
Caliber: .32 WIN SPL
Condition: 96-97%
Bore: 9.5/10
Year: 1950
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Availability: Out of stock
1717017 - 12937
10/7/20 - This is an excellent Winchester Model 94 that was made in 1950. It has about 96-97% of the original blue, with most of the finish loss toward the front of the barrel and magazine tube around the barrel ring. There's also a minor hint of finish loss along the top of the barrel, closer to where it meets the receiver. A Lyman 66A adjustable target sight has been added to the rear and the factory rear sight removed. Excellent bore. Minty stock. Smooth mechanically.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 96-97%
Bore 9.5/10
Maker Winchester
Year 1950
Type Model 94
Caliber .32 WIN SPL