SOLD - Black Widow Mauser Luger Rig

Type: P.08
Maker: Mauser
Caliber: 9mm
Condition: 95%
Bore: 7.5/10
Year: 1941
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Availability: Out of stock
2958y - 26165
6/27/23 - This is a very nice example of an all original and complete Black Widow Mauser Luger rig. Made in 1941, the pistol comes with two total Black Widow magazines, an unmarked tool and a '42 dated holster. The gun retains about 95% original blue with high edge wear on the muzzle and sideplate, as well as minor thinning and patina on the straps. Excellent, original Black Widow style grips. The holster is in good shape with clear maker and waffen marks. The tool is from the time period but unmarked and worn. The bore has minor frost throughout.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 95%
Bore 7.5/10
Maker Mauser
Year 1941
Type P.08
Caliber 9mm