SOLD - Bergmann Bayard 1910/21 - Complete Rig

Type: 1910/21
Maker: Bergmann Bayard
Caliber: N/A
Condition: 92-93%
Bore: 7/10
Year: 9mm Largo
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Availability: Out of stock
6654 - 07712

6/8/18 - Here is a super nice and complete example of a Belgian made Bergmann Bayard 1910/21 Danish Army contract pistol. The early Danish contract guns were made in Belgium by Pieper, before the production started at the Danish military arsenals.  Belgian made guns had a better overall finish and beautifully carved wood grips with an interesting checkering design.  This is a complete set that includes an excellent condition unit marked holster, one matched magazine and one magazine just a few hundred digits away. The gun is in excellent condition as well with some holster wear on the rails, barrel and the front of the mag well, retaining around 92-93% of its original blue. There is no pitting anywhere. The bore is excellent, as are the grips. Belgian proofs throughout. This is as close as you could get to owning an “as issued” rig.

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Sold No
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 92-93%
Bore 7/10
Maker Bergmann Bayard
Year 9mm Largo
Type 1910/21