12/31/18 - This is a very early Mauser C96 Broomhandle, made in 1897. Only about 14,000 guns were made with early features, including a cone shaped hammer that gave the gun its nickname. Chambered in a potent 7.63 Mauser caliber, these guns had ballistics comparable to light carbines, and could function as such when equipped with a detachable shoulder stock. They became especially popular with British officers, including Winston Churchill, and were used extensively in Boer wars. This particular gun is all original with about 80% of bluing remaining, with some minor spotting in the finish, but no pitting. It is all matching, including very nice original grips. The bore shows thorough frosting and freckling throughout, and very little rifling remains. This is an antique and does not require an FFL except in certain states where a full FFL is required.