SOLD - ANIB Dural Walther PPK - 1967

Type: PPK-L
Maker: Walther
Caliber: 7.65mm
Condition: Mint
Bore: Mint
Year: 1967
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Availability: Out of stock
S19286 - 07688
6/4/19 - Arguably the rarest variation of the post-war Walther PPK pistols, this Dural model was made in 1967 and chambered in 7.65mm(.32 ACP). It is 'as new in the box' and appears unfired. It is complete with a matching box and a matching test target, cleaning rod, manual, spare magazine and a small tool. The bluing is without defects and is considered by many to be the best blue that Walther produced over the last 100 years. The frame is light weight aluminum, as evidenced by PPK-L designation on the left side of the slide. Mint, impossible to upgrade example with no import or "Interarms" markings.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Mint
Bore Mint
Maker Walther
Year 1967
Type PPK-L
Caliber 7.65mm