SOLD - Italian RE Beretta Model 1934

Type: 1934
Maker: Beretta
Caliber: 9mm short
Condition: 93%
Bore: 8.5/10
Year: 1935-36
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Availability: Out of stock
564593 - 06475
6/27/18 - This is a very nice Beretta M1934 in 9mm short, and is marked 'RE' (Regio Esercito) on the rear left frame to denote use by the Italian Army. The original finish rates at about 93%, with some edge and barrel wear. Also there's some rough patina on the front and back straps. This is normal wear and is not quite rust, but beginning signs of such. Proper magazine and grips. Good bore with minor signs of use and patina but no pits.
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Sold No
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 93%
Bore 8.5/10
Maker Beretta
Year 1935-36
Type 1934
Caliber 9mm short