SOLD - Scarce 1942 Winchester M1 Garand

Type: M1 Garand
Maker: Winchester
Caliber: .30-06
Condition: ~90%
Bore: 9.5/10
Year: 1942
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Availability: Out of stock
1232845 - 24628
3/16/23 - This is an excellent example of a Winchester produced M1 Garand from September of 1942. The finish is excellent on receiver and barrel but there is some obvious wear on the gas system. All parts are correctly Winchester marked, including barrel, stock, trigger assembly, etc. The stock has a fairly sharp crossed cannons cartouche, as well as GHD inspector stamp. Circle P is also visible on the wrist. Bore is near-mint with minimal signs of use. Muzzle is a 2, throat is less than 1.
More Information
Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition ~90%
Bore 9.5/10
Maker Winchester
Year 1942
Type M1 Garand
Caliber .30-06