SOLD - 1920 DWM Nazi Police Luger

Type: P.08
Maker: DWM
Caliber: 9mm
Condition: 96-97%
Bore: 8.5/10
Year: 1920
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Availability: Out of stock
6433t - 13250
10/27/20 - This is an interesting gun - it is a 1920 commercial DWM luger that was altered and issued to the Nazi police force. A police seer safety was added and a police arsenal marking was added to the front strap. There is a Nazi-era "Waffen 66" proof on the right side of the slide and commercial "Crown N" proofs throughout. It is all matching and has retained about 96-97% of its bluing. There is minor muzzle wear, wear on the side plate, and wear on the high edges of the frame. There are some very small dings/handling marks on the front strap. Comes with excellent un-numbered grips and a mismatched WW2-era magazine. Very nice bore - shiny with good rifling. The slide has trouble staying back on its own. If you push up on the magazine slightly, it works fine.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 96-97%
Bore 8.5/10
Maker DWM
Year 1920
Type P.08
Caliber 9mm