SOLD - 1917 Erfurt Kar 98

Type: Kar98
Maker: Erfurt
Caliber: 8mm
Condition: Very Good
Bore: 9/10
Year: 1917
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Availability: Out of stock
9163 - 05897

7/17/17 - This is a 1917 Erfurt Rifle K98 A from World War I. It has German Imperial proofs and is in excellent condition. This is a rare rifle, as it was made by Erfurt and is in much better condition then most WWI rifles. The bluing is about 95% and it has a beautiful stock. Most parts are matching but a few parts are numbered to a different rifle. The stock has a serial number and is marked with Imperial proofs and a "B". It has an excellent bore that is shiny with strong rifling.

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Sold No
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Very Good
Bore 9/10
Maker Erfurt
Year 1917
Type Kar98
Caliber 8mm