SOLD - 1915 Artillery Luger Holster Rig

Type: Holster & Stock
Maker: Maury & Co
Caliber: 9mm
Condition: Good
Bore: N/A
Year: 1915
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Availability: Out of stock
12/28/22 - This is an original WW1 full Artillery Lug rig with the holster, straps, and stock. The holster is maker-marked and 1915 dated inside the leather lid. The closure strap is in tact but much of the leather is cracking, especially on the exterior surface. The side pouch for the cleaning rod is missing. There is surface cracking on the the holster throughout. There is a more significant crack on the left side, around the top opening. The leather straps are in tact and in much better condition than the holster. The boot is maker-marked and also dated 1915. The closure strap on the boot is cracked and weak. If you pulled hard it would surely break. The hardware - screws, washers and brass studs all look original. The stock board looks all original although it may have been sanded as there is not an imperial stamp on the outside. The attachment hardware is numbered so one can assume this was issued to a 1915 or 1916 Artillery Luger issued to the German Imperial Army during WW1.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Good
Bore N/A
Maker Maury & Co
Year 1915
Type Holster & Stock
Caliber 9mm