SOLD - 1908 Military DWM Luger

Type: P.08
Maker: DWM
Caliber: 9mm
Condition: 85-90%
Bore: 6/10
Year: 1908
View Description
Availability: Out of stock
8090 - 05333

4/27/17 - This is a military proofed and issued 1908 DWM luger.  It is all matching and correct, and is unit marked on the front strap.  The finish rates at about 85-90%, and while there isn't much actual bluing loss, the straps show a good amount of patina.  This pistol has an unmarked hold open, unmarked grips, and a wood bottom magazine.  There is a little bit of rust on the left side of the barrel but no real pitting.  The bore is frosted but has decent rifling, I'd rate it a 6/10.  

More Information
Sold No
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 85-90%
Bore 6/10
Maker DWM
Year 1908
Type P.08
Caliber 9mm