SOLD - Unique & Rare "Armorer's" Mauser Luger

Type: P.08
Maker: Mauser
Caliber: 9mm
Condition: 97-98%
Bore: 9.5/10
Year: 1940
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Availability: Out of stock
NSN - 12520
8/11/20 - This is a a rare and interesting Mauser Luger we are calling an "armorer's" Luger, as it has no serial number and is comprised of armorer replacement parts. It's 1940 dated, but unknown as to when it was put together. Most parts are marked 42 or S/42, which was the Mauser code and indicated it was an armorers replacement part. These parts were sent to field units so that when a Luger broke they would have field replacement parts and not have to send the gun back. However, once they switched to the P38, or near wars end when there was a shortage of equipment, they actually put together entire Lugers from the PARTS in the armorers supply. We have only seen two others like this one. The barrel has a Steyr proof. The rest of the gun including frame, sideplate, take down lever, and magazine are all 42 or S/42 code. A very unique and desirable Luger. Original finish rates at about 98%. The bore is shiny with strong rifling. The grips are not numbered but Eagle 135 proofed meaning it had to have been put together in 1942 or later. The tolerances for disassembly are very tight due to the "parts" quality of this Luger.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition 97-98%
Bore 9.5/10
Maker Mauser
Year 1940
Type P.08
Caliber 9mm