SOLD - Smith Corona 1903-A3 - Remington Rearsenaled

Type: 1903-A3
Maker: Smith Corona
Caliber: .30-06
Condition: Excellent
Bore: 9/10
Year: 1944
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Availability: Out of stock
3614204 - 08287
12/7/18 - This is an original Smith Corona model 1903-A3 rifle that was used in WW2, and then later rearsenaled in 1944 by Remington at the end of WWII. The metal parts are in excellent condition, with only some brown patina on the bolt. The bore is minty as well - shiny with good rifling and only a hint of residue. The barrel is Remington Arsenal stamped with a U.S. flaming bomb and '44 date. The stock is also Remington Arsenal stamped. Guaranteed original and fully functional.
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Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition Excellent
Bore 9/10
Maker Smith Corona
Year 1944
Type 1903-A3
Caliber .30-06