SOLD - Pre Ban PWA Commando AR-15 Rifle

Type: Commando
Maker: PWA
Caliber: 5.56x45 NATO
Condition: ~98%
Bore: 9.5/10
Year: Pre 1994
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Availability: Out of stock
EC00071 - 16514(Ohio)
6/10/24 - This is an original Condition PWA Commando rifle that was made before the 1994 assault weapons ban. The barrel, upper, and lower receivers show very little actual finish loss but do have some light dings here and there. We rate the finish at 98%. Bore is bright and shiny with excellent rifling and the lightest amount of frosting. We rate the bore a 9.5/10. All of the internals are functional with smooth operation. Rifle comes with one 30-round Colt magazine.
More Information
Sold Yes
Hold No
C&R No
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition ~98%
Bore 9.5/10
Maker PWA
Year Pre 1994
Type Commando
Caliber 5.56x45 NATO