1940 Italian Beretta Model 1934

Type: M1934
Maker: Beretta
Caliber: 9mm Corto
Condition: ~95-96%
Bore: 8/10
Year: 1940
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Availability: In stock
805758 - 35052 - RJ
1/31/24 - This is a nice example of a Beretta Model 1934 issued to the Italian military in 1940. All matching with the proper "Crown RE" Italian military acceptance proof on the left side of the tang. The gun's original finish rates about 95-96%. While there is very little actual finish loss, there is some dulling/pin-pricking on the front strap and some spots of minor pitting along the right side of the slide. Fitted with period-correct black bakelite grips and comes with one magazine. The bore has good rifling with just minor pin-pricking.
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Sold No
Hold No
C&R Yes
Antique No
Free Shipping No
Condition ~95-96%
Bore 8/10
Maker Beretta
Year 1940
Type M1934
Caliber 9mm Corto